Youth Information

GENCA has identified it as one of its primary objectives to deliver the information that young people need in the most appropriate and understandable language.

European Youth Information Charter


The following principles constitute guidelines for generalist youth information work, which seeks to guarantee the right of young people to information:

  1. Youth information centres and services shall be open to all young people without exception.
  2. Youth information centres and services seek to guarantee the equality of access to information for all young people, regardless of their situation, origin, gender, religion, or social category. Special attention should be paid to disadvantaged groups and to young people with specific needs.
  3. Youth information centres and services should be easily accessible, without any appointment being required. They should be attractive for young people, with a friendly atmosphere. The operating hours should meet the needs of young people.
  4. The information available shall be based on the requests of young people and on their perceived information needs. It should cover all topics that could interest young people, and should evolve in order to cover new topics.
  5. Each user shall be respected as an individual and the response to each question shall be personalised. This shall be done in a way that empowers users, promotes the exercise of their autonomy, and develops their capacity to analyse and use information.
  6. Youth information services shall be free of charge.
  7. Information is given in a way that respects both the privacy of users and their right not to reveal their identity.
  8. Information is provided in a professional manner by staff trained for this purpose.
  1. The information offered is complete, up-to-date, accurate, practical and user-friendly.
  2. Every effort is made to ensure the objectivity of the information provided through the pluralism and verification of the sources used.
  3. The information offered shall be independent of any religious, political, ideological or commercial influence.
  4. Youth information centres and services shall strive to reach the largest possible number of young people, in ways that are effective and appropriate to different groups and needs, and by being creative and innovative in their choice of strategies, methods and tools.
  5. Young people shall have the opportunity to participate, in appropriate ways, in different stages of youth information work, at local, regional, national and international levels. These can include, among others: identifying information needs, the preparation and delivery of information, managing and evaluating information services and projects and peer group activities.
  6. Youth information centres and services shall co-operate with other youth services and structures, especially in their geographical area, and shall network with intermediaries and other bodies that work with young people.
  7. Youth information centres and services shall help young people both to access information provided via modern information and communication technologies, and to develop their skills in using them.
  8. Each source of funding for youth information work should not act in any way that prevents a youth information centre or service from applying all the principles of this Charter.

Principles for Online Youth Information

  • Online Youth Information shall be accurate, up to date and verified. The date when it was produced or updated shall be clearly mentioned.
  • The content shall be based on the needs of young people. Those needs have to be identified and evaluated in an ongoing process.
  • The content shall be a selection of relevant, free of charge information that provides an overview of different options available. The applied selection criteria must be made public and understandable.
  • Online Youth Information shall be understandable for young people and presented in an attractive way for them.
  • Online Youth Information services shall be operable for all, especially taking into account users and groups with specific needs.
  • When young people have the opportunity to ask a question online it shall be clear within which time limit they will receive an answer. The answer shall be tailor-made and it shall be clear who is providing it.
  • When young people are included in producing content, the accuracy of the final content shall stay the responsibility of the youth information organisation.
  • Encouraging young people to give feedback shall be an integrated part of the ongoing development of Online Youth Information services. The feedback shall be easy to submit. It must be then evaluated and used to adjust the content. Young people shall be made aware of how their feedback has impacted on the services.
  • The author and the purpose of the Online Youth Information shall be clear and visible. If content of third parties is used, the source is clearly indicated.
  • It must be clear to the users who the providers of the Youth Information service are and what their motivation is. Full contact information should be clearly displayed. Sources of financial support shall be transparently displayed.
  • Online Youth Information services should provide methods and guidance which help young people increase their information literacy and online competences.
  • Online Youth Information services shall inform and guide young people on how to act in a safe and responsible way in online environments.
  • Online Youth Information services shall be a safe environment for young people.
  • Online Youth Information respects and protects the privacy of the users and allows them to modify or delete their own published private data.
  • Online Youth Information services respect the copyright of third parties and are aware of their own.
  • Youth Information workers shall be competent on the use of online tools and have information literacy skills. They shall be aware of new developments, relevant law and keep themselves informed about trends and new online practices among young people.

Gençlik Çalışmaları Derneği – Youth Work Association